Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brooklyn Local 1

Brewed by: Brooklyn Brewery
Brewery Location: Brooklyn, NY

Style: Belgian Pale Ale
ABV: 9.00%

The Brooklyn Local 1 pours a very attractive straw color, and is incredibly cloudy. The traditional Belgian head is apparent, which has a very sweet and citrus smell to it

Upon first sip, the Belgian yeast is very apparent, along with a bit of a spicy flavor.  As the beer warms up a bit, you can begin to taste a more malty flavor. What is unique about the Brooklyn Local 1 is that it is brewed with German hops, rather than the traditional Belgian hops.

The pour is beautiful, the body of the beer is very flavorful, and the beer finishes up with a sweet, grassy and almost citrusy aftertaste. As the beer warmed up, these flavors became much more apparent, resulting in a beer that is truly enjoyable.

If you enjoy other Belgian beers, then this one is right up your alley. It features all of the crisp and clean aspects of a Belgian beer, and hides its 9.00 ABV very well. It could very easily sneak up on you, just something to bear in mind.

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